The riots are slowing down in excessiveness, although someone tried to organise another one where I live, less and less people are wanting to do one, and although the British wheels are slow to turn, they are unstoppable once they start: the british police are now cracking down on the riots. But what is the message behind it? Well, let me tell you.
There are many different ideas that have been posited for the cause of the riots, so I will go through a few of them before coming up with the most popular English answer (most popular because it is almost definitely correct).
1. Socialism
People like to say it is socialism all the time in the conservative media (none moreso than in Fox News. Look at my post here for more) and some other news agencies. It's just comical that this is the cause. It's nothing like that. Firstly, there is no socialism in Britian, it is progressive. Socialism is a buzzword with no value in America. The meaning that is occasionally meant to be used as is that some things are government run and failing, however, there is a more specific reason why I think people are rioting, and the idea that it is "socialism" is too large a cover in some cases, and a buzzword in others.
2. Political Message
There is none. Many of them are rioting, stealing randomly from stores. As an example; JBSports was the most stolen, while no waterstone stores were hit. Also, someone robbed a barbers to steal sugar. A message to the sugar making factories that they should stop selling sugar!
3. Anarchy
4. Boredom
Yes, it is boredom. If the rabble had something to do other than riot, they wouldn't riot. It's that simple. There is record unemployment in the areas of the riots, and it is the most realistic answer, coupled with the lack of intelligence or direction or targets of the rioters.
5. Gangs
Gang violence is always a large problem, especially in city areas. What does it means when there is rioting on the street? More gangs will go out and loot and riot as well. This is a possibility, and could easily be a contributor, but not the cause.
So, very simply, a combination of boredom from a lack of funds able to help the youths in big city areas, groups of people run onto the street, loot, wreak havoc, and retreat back, in flash riots. I hope this gives a better understanding of the riots in England. Goodbye.