Hello, and welcome everyone, to the open debate room wordpress blog. Feel free to comment here, about whatever you want. My name is devex3, and I will be your Lord and Master.
Seriously, though, this will be a website for all who want to debate. This is not pro-atheist, pro-christianity, or pro-anything except pro-debates. In the words of margaret thatcher:
"I love argument, I love debate. I don't expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me, that's not their job."
I don't agree with her on much, but I agree with her on this. I don't expect people to agree with what I say. I don't expect them to mindlessly follow my words like drones; that would be the single worst thing to come out of this. I want people to read this critically, and think about what is wrote, and apply reasoning to my writing. Every time you point out a flaw, I can update, or even scrap, an argument that I have came up with. Please, comment on what you see. Say what you want to. Express yourself.
In the words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.”
So, get your ideas out there! You may get a few blunders here or there, but, eventually, and sooner than you'd think, you'll find one that is just spectacular. And that is what you'll be remembered for.
This blog has a link to the gvo room : www.gvolive.com/conference,89012231. Go there and we debate all kinds of things, when we are not just casually talking.
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