Sunday 18 September 2011

Muslim Terrorist? Really?

Again on the news, I've seen some more terrorist crap about all terrorists being muslim, muslims are evil, islam terrorists, Libyan terrorists take control, bla bla bla. I think enough is enough, and we should just stop this insanity.

Friday 16 September 2011

Oh dear, the absolutists are back...

Hitler was eeviiilll!!!

That's my word of today, I like it now. It is a great word to throw at people who disagree with you. But now, I am going to shout at people for beleiving in moral absolutism. There is a good reason for this; I've lost interest in keeping myself unbias. But instead, I will sign my bias material with "Devex3" and specifically, rebut other people's statements. Specifically, it is one to this link: I don't really think I should promote others, so I will quote what they said and specifically rebut what they said.

I shall go over why cultural relativism is correct, and moral absolutism is false, and a poor moral standard to live by.